Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Total Loss: 15 pounds.

yeah, baby, yeah.

just finished editing a shoot. not 100% confident with it but its good enough especially for a first really big shoot. I met some really great people through it also, an amazing pair of designers, a great MUA, and a fellow photographer who focuses mainly on architecture.

here are some really low-res frames from the day.

just updating.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Things That Are Awesome: Interiors and Me ;-)

Shot For: German Vogue 2009
Photography by: Erwin Wurm (I took down his name as Erwin Wurmin, which made me laugh for about 2.5 minutes).
Model: Claudia Schiffer
Styling by: I nono.

I don't love these images but i definitely love the setting. My ultimate dream is to live in a place like this. I think everyone would love to be consistently in awe of their surroundings instead of taking them for granted. The huge doors are my favorite.

that i took on Saturday with an amateur model (first time) and a makeup artist:

Obviously the shot is unedited and not one of my best but just wanted to post something of mine for once.


- up 1 pound. wtf? no more daily weigh-ins. i always say that but it really begins to affect you after awhile. Sunday, will be the day i weigh in and do an update on what the eff is up.

currently watching... Clark and Michael on Youtube.

things i need to do:

-do a "before" picture even though i've already lost 11 pounds.

-start working out more of a schedule for posting.

-try to organize...everything.

-get more people to read this, particularly the "fatties in fashion" which is a term i just coined that is both offensive and funny...but if we can't make fun of ourselves there might as well not be a damn sun.

I'm not going to lie: I want people to read this. I don't necessarily want to be one of those cool hip fashion bloggers but i definitely want to reach a market made of people like me, who love fashion but feel like an outsider in that world wether its a physical, mental, or social thing, or maybe its just self-esteem. you know: blah, blah, blah, let's support each other.

picture post to follow.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Things That Are Awesome: Like a Moth to a Flame.

I am a huge fan of creative lighting, the only problem is I know nothing about it. The school I attend offers a lighting class but I've always been to shy/timid to procure subjects to shoot. Now that I'm getting over that shyness, I plan on taking a lighting class.

Here's an example of amazing yet harsh/obvious lighting:

For: ABOVE Magazine '09
Shot By: Norbert Schoerner
Styling by: Charlotte Stockdale
Model: Trish Goff

p.s.- I most likely will not be posting everyday, I know I'm just going to forget. I also don't want to inundate the already overwhelmed unread fashion blog market with a bunch of shit.

Things I Have Been Doing While I Was Gone: MODERATION

watching Peep Show over and over and over. I'm kind of in love with David Mitchell...I may be the first woman to say that.

Assisting on Shoots/Interning.

Eating useless crap.

HOWEVER, I feel confident about losing weight, even amidst hectic days with unhealthy food around, some serious personal stress often leading to stress eating, i have actually maintained and even lost a bit of weight. I owe it to a complete change of lifestyle and finally understanding/adhering to the concept of MODERATION. I can have pizza every once in awhile without eating 4 pieces. I was still eating fruit and vegetables just eating really wrong shit occasionally. I am however, back to eating alot of protein, fruits, vegetables and feel alot better.

I have a shoot tomorrow with an amateur model and a great MUA. hooray.

I also see I have two followers, yay!

ANYBODY who reads this (as well as people who aren't following/don't like the blog) please leave suggestions. I'm not promising I'll follow them but it will be nice to hear.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

so sorry i have been awol! personal things going on! also not doing well with weight but i will give a full update tomorrow!